We hope these reflections will bless your life and aid you on your spiritual journey. It may be helpful to read the noted scripture(s) before listening to the sermon. In our worship services, we usually use “The Inclusive Bible” translation. Our intention is to keep approximately 3 months worth of recent messages online.
The first part of the message was cut off the recording. It isn't critical as it was primarily an introduction to the series of reflections we'll be having between now…
This is the Spirit’s vision of the future: God’s children coming together, communicating, forgiving, creating God’s kin-dom community of love, peace, hope, and justice. The Spirit of the future is…
It is in love that we hear the Spirit speaking. It is in love that we come to know God because God is love. It is love that binds us…
To follow the Way of Jesus, of Truth of Life, is to enter into the kin-dom of God, to take the place of new life that Jesus has prepared for…
How do we encounter Christ in eating together? Coming together to share food helps us nurture deeper connections and communities of peace and hope and is thus one way we…
Jesus appears to Thomas and the disciples.
When we declare Jesus lives, we are declaring that God’s love incarnate still exists in this world. Still exists in our lives. We’re declaring that hate cannot defeat love. And…
We are invited to embrace the Jesus that rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, the prophet of truth and hope. Today we are invited to remember where Jesus is leading…