We hope these reflections will bless your life and aid you on your spiritual journey. It may be helpful to read the noted scripture(s) before listening to the sermon. In our worship services, we usually use “The Inclusive Bible” translation. Our intention is to keep approximately 3 months worth of recent messages online.
Communion and community: reflecting on the hymn "Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ"
Why do we worship? Connecting to God deep in the heart...
What is forgiveness?
When we gather together in God’s name, when we come together in relationship, in community, bound in love, we come together as the Kin-dom of God.
Guest reflection from Em Norwood.
How will we live out God’s call for us? Can we be a church for this world that puts its trust in the living and loving God of peace and…
Living authentically from a heart filled with God's love.
Asking for help as a measure of our faith.
Giving our best while remaining open to new possibility. Abundance thinking. Understanding struggle as sacred. Perseverance. What does faith look like to you? when we walk in faith, we find…