We want to share a few links to the wider church and other worthwhile organizations.
The Wider Church
Our connections to the wider church, the universal body of Christ, are very important. We want to live in solidarity with others who also seek to live their lives in God’s love and be witnesses to progressive, inclusive values. We are grateful to be associated with the United Church of Christ. To learn more about the UCC, visit some of the links below.
The United Church of Christ (UCC)
Michigan Conference of the UCC
Southwest Association of the MI Conference
Open and Affirming Coalition of the UCC
Other Local Resources
Outfront Kalamazoo: a community resource for services, groups, support and engagement with the LGBTQ and ally community in the greater Kalamazoo area. Whether you’re a youth looking for other LGBTQ friendships, or a transgender individual seeking community, please contact Outfront Kalamazoo for assistance.